Hey yall,
I'm coming to you live from a new place and I have a new face sitting right to my left.
Since the Cincinnati East Zone was fairly large we got
split, and now I am still with my first Zone Leaders, and I am actually
now in their district too. So my new zone is pretty small. We are 2
districts and we have 10 Elders and there are 6 Sisters.. My old
District Leader was made into a Zone Leader and now he is over all my
familiar Sisters. But good news I currently live with the Little Miami
Sisters because they don't have our apartment yet. Bad news....its like
15-20 minutes away from our actual area, and since neither I or Sister
Ashby know our area, I'm afraid we have spent a fair number of minutes
out of our area.....actually I know for certain that we were totally out
of our area for quite a bit of the time we have been together. However I
am fairly certain that we will eventually figure it out a
bit..Hopefully sooner rather than later.
Story time: On Wednesday
we went to the Blackhams so that I could say bye, and we could give
them their house key, and Brother Blackham offered to give me a
blessing. It was simply amazing!!! It was seriously one of the best
blessings I have ever had. The power that was in the room was amazing,
and it made me so glad for the time I was able to spend in their home
and the Power that is in the Priesthood. Blessings are simply
outstanding and I would have to say if you ever feel a need to get one,
or if anyone ever offers to give you one, take that opportunity, because
boy was I glad for the way Brother Blackham was in tune with the
spirit. It definitely gave me some much needed support.
morning was a crazy race to get all the small things done, that pretty
much had to be done last minute. I was sure glad that I was pretty much
all packed from leaving the Blackhams, because I definitely enjoyed the
time I was able to spend at the Zone activity and I wouldn't have been
able to, because I would have been frantically packing all of my stuff
so I could get going from Cherry Grove. Sister Fajen was so kind to
take us up to transfers, she is one funny lady that I definitely enjoy
spending time with.
My meeting getting advice to be a trainer was really
great. Wow the spirit is so strong when we all get together, and I love
it. I cannot believe how much we can learn in such a short time
frame. I know that things are most definitely so inspired in this
mission and I love how President Porter leads this mission thru the
Spirit in such a strong way. I know how important the spirit is, and I
am so grateful to know that I can rely on the fact that every time I go
to the meeting it will be led not by a person, but only thru a
person....if that makes sense.
I'm in the Milford Ward, by the way, and again we are the
first Sisters in quite a while. I'm not sure what that means now, that
it has happened twice to me, maybe its a sign of some sort, but what
that would be, I know not.
Sister Prinze took us to Montgomery, but first to lunch which was super kind. But this is where the story truly begins.
Since there was an influx of new areas, there weren't phones for
everyone, and wouldn't you know it, Sister Ashby and I were in the no
phone group. So here we are, dropped off at the Stake Center and we
have a GPS, but we plug in the address to get to the Little Miami
Sister's apartment, and no luck, the GPS can't find it. Figures huh?
We try everything to make it find it and still we are at a no go. So
here we are just sitting in the parking lot because we don't know what
to do, and its not like we can call anyone to ask them where to go,
because we gots no phone. Lo and behold Miracles exist!!! The Zone
Leaders show up at the Church because they were meeting the Montgomery
Sisters there, and they let us into the building and called the LMS for
us. Now there is a small gathering going on at the church because we
were waiting for the LMS to come and show us back to our apartment for
the time being. They get there and we follow them outta the parking lot
and we get stopped at a light and they do not, then they make it thru
the other light, and we are still stuck at the first one. Dang we are
lost. So we end up driving around and trying to find South Lebanon,
which is our current living place, but all we find is this little
podunky town that definitely does not have an apartment complex that
Sister Missionaries would be living at. Ahhh dang!! We ended up just
showing up at the Bishops house and they took pity on us, and fed us
dinner. And again it turns out we were part of a mini-missionary party
because the Milford Elders showed up. So when we got put into the
Milford ward the poor Elders got demoted to bike status..Stinks for
them, but I sure love having a car, so I am pretty grateful to them.
Anyways we had an appointment set up for us by the Elders, because they
are kind like that, and we went there had a great time, and happy day it
was time to go home, with one problem, we still don't actually know
where that is. We made a quick pit stop at a Kroger borrowed a phone
and called Sister Lee, and she was so happy that we were still alive!
Thru some more trial and error we eventually made it home. So remember
that time earlier when we were stuck in a little podunky town, yeah it
was literally 5 minutes away from where we actually wanted to be.
Basically Thursday
was a lonnnnnnnng day. My poor companion didn't really have a stellar
start to her new area. I felt bad about that, and also the fact that we
didn't actually make it in till like 10:30...whoops. We were a little late making it to bed, if ya didn't guess..
We had a fabulous Zone meeting on Friday!!!
Gosh I love inspired people, and having the spirit just so strong for
long periods of time. But at the Zone Meeting we each got a BoM and as a
Mission we are reading and marking them. We are going to finish by
November, and we are marking anything to do with Christ in red, miracles
in yellow, and storyline in purple (or some other color, it doesn't
really matter). Pretty cool huh? So far I mostly have purple
scriptures. I am excited to be doing this tho.
So remember how I told you Arlene moved? Well actually Idk
if I told you that or not, but she did, and I am almost positive that
she is in my area now. Pretty cool huh?
Next story:
we tried to find people and nothing was really working, we were at this
park and I felt like we should go talk to this guy.........Turns out
his name is Gary, and I am a wee bit afraid he took our conversation as
more than it was. The poor guy could definitely benefit from the
gospel, and meeting someone who is single, and his own age. I'm not
exactly sure why, but he seemed to take a bit of a liking to me, and it
was kind of awkward, esp at the end when he gave me a handshake hug
thing. He did tell us that he would come to church with us, and if not
this week, then definitely next week, and since we didn't see him this
week, we are wondering if he'll show up next week.
All in all its been a pretty eventful week. I know how important missionary work is and I am grateful for my opportunity to be a part of it in Milford. Hopefully I can fulfill this trust that Heavenly Father has placed in me. Because I want to be the best Disciple that I can be. I know that this is the Restored Church, and I want to thank you all for your love and support!!
All in all its been a pretty eventful week. I know how important missionary work is and I am grateful for my opportunity to be a part of it in Milford. Hopefully I can fulfill this trust that Heavenly Father has placed in me. Because I want to be the best Disciple that I can be. I know that this is the Restored Church, and I want to thank you all for your love and support!!
Remember this: God loves everyone, but He does not trust everyone.
Live to the trust God has placed in you!!
Love you all more than words can say!!
Sister Julie Ann
Mission Map
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