Hello Hello!!!
Oh my goodness it was soo fun to talk to you this week!!!!! I was on cloud 9 all day! I looked forward to it until it happened, and then afterwards I just kept reliving the beauty that was it. If I had been thinking I coulda recorded it and then I could have relistened to it, because boy that time flew right on by, but it was the best Christmas present Ever!!!
Hahahaha oh my goodness Mom, don't worry about spoiling the surprise!!! Hahaha I think it was a more exciting way to find out about it anyways! :) haha I love it by the way!!!! It is so fun to listen to a good variety of music, in the apartment, so Thank you thank you thank you!!!
Alright my goal of this week is to make this a very legitimately awesome email bcuz I feel the ones of late have been lackluster sorts of deals. I have 36 minutes to make this happen so we shall see if I succeed.
Monday we spent some time in West Milton, nothing much happened, but we got to meet some people, and we actually really scared this member. So funny story: We knocked on her door, but apparently she didn't hear the knock and she came to her door to see if some things had been delivered and surprise! there we were. Needless to say she was a teeny bit surprised and it was pretty funny. Monday night we took Tiffanie to an appointment with us. It was awesome!!! Tiffanie is a Recent Convert and it was perfect bcuz at one point Sister Anderson and I had absolutely nothing to say and she was able to jump in and testify thru some of her life experiences and it was killer cool to watch her in action!! One problem we were outdoors, and it was freezing. But cold toes are not a big deal when it comes to helping someone feel the light of the gospel in their lives. I have decided I gotta stop complaining tho.........I feel like I'm a big baby :)
Tuesday I was w/ Sister Floyd all day since we were on exchanges and our day really did not turn out as expected but it happens. We ended up singing Joy to the World to this family and let me tell you that thrilled me to use my less than stellar vocals, but they clapped for us anyways......I love kind people!! :) Haha Christmas Eve dinner was fabulous!! We were over at the Stucki's and when I say we I mean the other 3 Sisters and me. That family is soooo cute. Brother Stucki told us a really cool story about some Elder in Bulgaria....or somewhere.....I can't really rem. but anyways he was adopted by an LDS family they gave him a choice to be baptized (obviously he was ;) and then he also chose to be sealed and anyways he got called to serve in the country where he was actually born, and then his first area was the town he was born in and he found his birth mom and family.......it was better than that and you've probably already heard it but I just love it!! That story is direct proof that God is in charge of our lives. There is always a divine path we just have to follow where it leads us!
CHRISTMAS!!! It was fun to be w/ a young family in the morning to watch the little girls excitement! Opening my presents was pretty fun too!! I'll be honest when we went back to our apartment after the call I opened my special gift :) Hahaha I'm not patient enough to wait. We had a good quick visit w/ Mike and we had a pretty good visit with the Spencers and Earl and Jennifer. We talked abt the most random things tho..........Dinner w/ the Nybergs was fabulous!!! But I think my favorite part was talking w/ Brother Nyberg abt what we can do to further the work in the ward and how we can spend more quality time w/ the members...we came up w/ some good stuff and I am excited to see it put into actual works....I'll let you know how it goes k? Sister Webb made all of us Missionaries a gift...mine was a stormy blue scarf...it works pretty well. I've already tested it out.
We had Sister Stucki come out w/ us on Thursday and one appt fell thru but JOHN!!!!!!! Ohhhhhh my heck I love him! He is open to learning and when he reads the Book of Mormon he really understands it very well. He thought he was supposed to finish 1st Nephi by time we came back for the second lesson and he made it to chapter 16. When we were there for the second lesson he was describing all these things that occur in 1st Nephi and he understood all of it. It was so awesome to see! I am pretty certain he understands some of Lehi's vision better than I do :) It is wonderful to see the Lord's hand in our work and to have it shown that it really isn't our work at all. Basically it was fabulous....in one word. Not too many other exciting things to report....plus I gotta move on for the sake of time.
Friday was Sister Anderson's birthday. We were walking since we are very low on miles. We had a lesson w/ Mike, and he prayed!!!!! That was awesome, we were soooooooooooooooooooooo excited! Dinner with the Crumbs was great, she told us her and her husbands conversion story and it is pretty great. They found the gospel over in England.....pretty darn cool I think.
Saturday we had a lesson with Mrs./(Sister) Russell is what I call her!!! Haha I love her......I wish you could all meet her, I want to adopt her as my 3rd Grandma..........she is sooo funny. But we had a good visit w/ her.
Church was awesome yesterday. I took 4 sticky notes notes. I shoulda taken more tho....whoops. We had a really good visit w/ Sister McCracken and was able to find out abt her and her family..........we talked all abt what we had learned in church and it was soooo awesome to see it apply so directly into what we needed for the day. PS go look up Alma 33:23 its a good one!
I got to bring this to a close but I love you all so much and I am thankful for all your love and support. I hope that you know how much you all mean to me!
I hope the end of 2013 and the beginning of 2014 is fabulous for you!
Sister Julie Ann......aka Sister Christiansen
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